Indian Health Service (IHS)
About the Job
The Billings Area Indian Health Service (IHS) is requesting quotes for an Inventory Clerk pursuant to the authority of Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 13, Simplified Acquisitions, and FAR 37.104, Personal Services Contracts (Public Law 103-332, as implemented by FAR 37.112). The position is located in the Property and Supply Office which is responsible for the day to day operation of equipment and supply activities at the Billings Area Office and oversight at the IHS hospitals and health centers. The work schedule is 8 hours a day, Monday through Friday. Offerors will be evaluated based on: (1) Knowledge of organizing and scheduling procedures; (2) Experience with office automation software applications including Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel; and (3) Past Experience with Equipment Inventory duties (The offeror must list at least two jobs and include the following information: (i) Name of Company; (ii) Dates of Employment; (iii) Hourly wage; (iv) Description of job duties; and (v) Company Manager and telephone number. The award will be made on the basis of price and the price related factors referenced above that represent the best value to the IHS. A CHILD CARE NATIONAL AGENCY CHECK AND INVESTIGATION (CNACI) A CNACI must be completed for all Indian Health Service (IHS) contractor personnel within the Billings Area. Public Law (P.L.) 101-630, Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act and P.L. 101-647, Crime Control Act of 1990, required the IHS to conduct a character and criminal history background investigation on all contractors performing services in IHS facilities. The character and background investigation will be conducted and approved by the Human Resources Office, Administrative Specialist at the Billings Area Office. Moreover, fingerprint checks must occur as part of the pre-employment process and must be completed before the contract providers are allowed to work. CONTRACTORS INTENDING TO CONDUCT BUSINESS WITH THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT MUST REGISTER WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CENTRAL CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION (CCR) DATABASE. THE CCR IS THE PRIMARY GOVERNMENT REPOSITORY, WHICH RETAINS INFORMATION ON GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS. YOU MAY REGISTER FREE VIA THE INTERNET AT HTTP://WWW.CCR.GOV OR BY CALLING (888) 227-2423. COMPUTER SECURITY: Pursuant to the Federal information Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA), the contractor will be required to complete a course in Computer Security Awareness Training (CSAT). This training must be completed annually by all employees including all contractors, volunteers, students, and summer extems. The Contractor will be required to comply with the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication (FIPS PUB) Number 201, “Personal Identification of Federal Employees and Contractors” and the associated Office Management and Budget (OMB) implementation guidance for personal identity verification for all affected contractor and subcontractor personnel. The contract position is restricted to qualified Indian applicants in accordance with the Buy Indian Act (25 U.S.C. 47). The contract will be awarded for a 11 1/2 month term. Potential contractors must submit a written response to Items 1-3 and a copy of BIA Form 4432 to the Indian Health Service, Attention: Jerry L. Black, Chief Contracting Officer, 2900 Fourth Avenue North, Room 304, Billings, Montana 59101. Offers will also be accepted by e-mail at or by fax to (406) 247-7108. Offers are due by October 05, 2011.
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