Known as the Comodo Hacker for breaking into the network of certificate authority Comodo and issuing fake certificates, the Iranian hacker identified himself as “Ichsun” and claimed to have struck back with another hacking operation in July, the DigiNotar.
In a message posted from a Pastebin account, the hacker justified his hacking of DigiNotar as vengeance for the failure of the Dutch military to protect Srebrenica in 1995, during the Bosnian War. The same account, however, was used in March to release details about the Comodo hacking, which confirmed that the identity of the miscreant is the same.
“When Dutch government, exchanged 8000 Muslim for 30 Dutch soldiers and Animal Serbian soldiers killed 8000 Muslims in same day, Dutch government have to pay for it, nothing is changed, just 16 years has been passed,” the hacker wrote.
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