Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans
School is back in session and there are plenty of things about which parents are concerned, but is identity theft one of them? Most adults are well aware of the dangers of identity theft and often take steps to protect themselves from this crime. But what about their children? According to a study byCarnegie Mellon University’s CyLab, children are 51 times more likely to be a victim of identity theft than adults. But why would someone want to steal the identity of a child? Children don’t have credit cards to be exploited or bank accounts to raid, but they do have Social Security numbers because their parents had to obtain one for the child in order to claim the child as a dependent on the parents’ income tax returns. Children also do not have debt or even credit reports at the three major credit reporting agencies, Equifax,Experian and Equifax. Armed with a child’s Social Security number, an identity thief can file a phony income tax return or establish credit and then exploit that credit without ever making payments, leaving the child with huge debt in his or her name. Often a child does not find out that he or she has become a victim […]
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