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Kaspersky Labs Cooperated With Microsoft To Defeat Stuxnet Worm

I’ve been a happy user of Kaspersky security software for a long time. Besides, I am very concerned about internet scams, identity theft, malware, phishing and spyware. I constantly write about it on my blog Computer Secrets Busted.  This is the latest news from Kaspersky Lab.

Kaspersky Lab, a leading developer of secure content management solutions, announced that it has cooperated with Microsoft in successfully closing a serious vulnerability in Microsoft Windows.

The vulnerability has been used by the notorious Stuxnet Worm. It’s a remarkable worm because it is an industrial espionage tool: it is designed to gain access to the Siemens WinCC operating system which is responsible for data collection and monitoring production. At the time when the Stuxnet Worm was discovered it was zero-day old. Am I surprised? Not at all. I know how Kaspersky software guards my computers and I trust Kaspersky software.

After extensive research Kaspersky specialists discovered that Stuxnet used 4 other Windows vulnerabilities. Microsoft analyzed the vulnerabilities and agreed with Kaspersky specialists. Am I glad Kaspesky got on the case? Yes!

All Kaspersky Labs products are capable of successfully detecting and neutralizing Worm.Win32.Stuxnet, which is a very sophisticated worm.

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