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Keeping Your WordPress Site Safe From Hackers

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

Being popular isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. A tree full of fruits is sure to get its share of stones thrown at it. Take Microsoft Windows for example. The operating system is on a gazillion computers so now Windows and its apps are the target of thousands of viruses and other malware. The same is true with the popular content management systemWordPress, which is now used by millions of websites because of its ease of use and flexibility. WordPress sites are now a popular target for hackers due to its popularity and since it shares its API for people to be able to create plugins, hackers have a grip on its inner workings. Unsecure websites made with WordPress are easy targets especially when these websites are used for commerce. Like Fright Night vampires, hackers can only do damage when they’re invited in and invitations come in the form of a lax in security. The following are ways for WordPress website owners to secure themselves. Limit Login Attempts – lazy developers hardly limit password attempts in the mistaken belief that secure passwords are all that’s needed for security. Some website owners contract their website for a small amount as […]

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