Lost your credit card? Just hit the lock button on the app Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/national/lost-your-credit-card-just-hit-the-lock-button-on-the-app-20141026-11bqo7.html#ixzz3HIlqyqU2

Lost your credit card? Just hit the lock button on the app  Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/national/lost-your-credit-card-just-hit-the-lock-button-on-the-app-20141026-11bqo7.html#ixzz3HIlqyqU2

In the latest move to reduce credit card fraud, a major bank has granted millions of its customers the power to instantly lock and unlock credit cards via a new feature on its mobile app. From Monday, Commonwealth Bank customers […]

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