Matt DeHart, a former American soldier who sought asylum in Canada claiming torture by U.S. agents probing Anonymous hackers and WikiLeaks, was taken from his Ontario prison cell Sunday morning and delivered to U.S. agents at the border. Mr. DeHart, 30, was allowed to make a quick phone call en route to his parents, who are living in Toronto facing their own removal order, said his father, Paul. “He was peaceful and in good health,” Paul DeHart said in an interview but the family remains deeply worried. “We are concerned about Matt’s safety as he transits,” he said. “We said a prayer together on the phone and gave him into God’s hands for protection.” His claim for refugee protection in Canada, on the basis of his torture claim, was rejected last month by the Immigration and Refugee Board. “I cannot imagine any life in a country which has already tortured me,” he told the National Post last month. “Am I now to be given into the hands of my torturers?” His is a bizarre, high-profile case, featured in a large investigation by the Post in May. It has since been featured in international media, including recent pieces by Germany’s Der […]
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