McAfee: Android malware soars while iPhone untouched

McAfee says that the Android OS is having some issues with malware lately — according to a new study from the anti-malware company, Android malware has grown by 76% over the past few months, sending the number of troublesome scripts out there to over 40. Some of the malware appears to be legitimate apps, and other issues come from code that sends unwanted text messages or performs other scammy behavior.

Meanwhile, Apple is doing great with iOS — McAfee has recorded zero legitimate threats to a stock iPhone, with the only attacks on the hardware coming to four different jailbroken devices. It appears Apple’s “walled garden” approach, while limiting to some developers and customers, has at least made good use of those walls in keeping malware away.

The other mobile OS with a spotless score? webOS, which of course is probably that way simply because it’s just not used that much.

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android, code, google, ios, iPhone, malware, mcafee, phones, study, survey, trouble, webos


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