More criminals being caught due to cloud technology


Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

HOUSTON – When Randy Schaefer’s iPad was stolen he never thought he’d see it again. The device, along with $5,000 cash were stolen when his truck was broken into while parked on the street in front of his home in his River Oaks neighborhood. Then, Schaefer found selfies of two men posing with a wad of cash on his iCloud account. “There were several pictures,” Schaefer said. “There were about 15 pictures.” The two even made a video bragging about their crime. The video was uploaded to the Internet and went viral, making national headlines. “Hello America. This is Dorian from the Money Team. This is my brother, Dillan, also Money Team, and this my good people is what we get from a good night’s hustle,” the man who called himself Dorian said as he held up a stack of $100 bills. “We doing ‘Big Face Ben’ over here [in reference to Benjamin Franklin] new, old, we just hustle. Don’t worry about how.” But, there was just one thing they were apparently unaware of when they snapped the selfies and video; the iPad was backed up to Schaefer’s iCloud, and led police straight to them. “I feel relieved they finally […]

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