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New Free top iPod,iPhone,iPad Applications hacking tools [UPDATED April 2011]

Best cracking tools All In One download DOWNLOAD: 1. C-Force 2. Apex by Buddha 3. Villain RC by StaCKOver 4. Freeze Master Cracker by -Frozen- 5. Sentry 2.0 6. HTTP Bugger by ken78x JTR (John the Ripper) with RoyDJ’s GUI Proxy Tools: 1. Proxyfire Master Suit 2. Charon 3. XN Proxy Checker 4. Poizon Proxy Processor 5. Proxy Finder Enterprise Wordlist Tools: 1. Raptor III 2. Once Is Enough 3. Access Driver 4. StAPH 5. Epic Leecher 6. Z-LeecherOCX Package with OCX Resgistrator It’s a dependency package. Some of above applications require some OCX file to function properly. Copy OCX Resgistrator and required ocx file to application directory and register that ocx file with OCX Resgistrator, done!1. C-Force It is the most noob friendly cracker in the world. I think C-Force is the best cracker to start with. You don’t need to configure C-Force manually, it can analyze automatically, cool isn’t it! It cant crack SSL HTTPS and Captcha type of logins. 2. Apex by Buddha This tool can crack most of site logins and it’s a very easy to use reliable cracker. However it cant crack SSL HTTPS, Captcha and HTTP basic authentication pop-up type of logins. 3. Villain RC by StaCKOver This is again a very good cracker. This is an AIO. It can also check proxies and also can be used as account checker. It cant crack SSL HTTPS and Captcha type of logins. 4. Freeze Master Cracker by -Frozen- It’s simply a master cracker. It supports HTTP basic authentication, HTTP, HTTPS, but cant b…/b

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