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News from DEF CON 23: fake deaths, DHS and Tesla court hackers

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

DEF CON wraps up its 23rd year in Las Vegas today, and the first wave of news reports show the notorious hacker conference’s non-technical and sensational talks grabbing the first round of headlines. As closing ceremonies wrap up, media reports about DEF CON 23 make their way online. While we’ll see more analysis in the coming week, the first wave of news gives a taste of what happened at the biggest DEF CON yet. Previously: Death certificates, safes, weapons and Teslas: DEF CON 23 Preliminary estimates have attendance around 20,000 at the conference’s new, expanded digs across both Paris and Bally’s hotels on the Las Vegas strip. The conference packed attendees, talks, contests, expo and hacking areas into many sprawling (huge!) ballrooms in both hotels and on multiple floors. There was so much going on, it was very difficult (if not impossible) to see everything. The first reports, below, show just how diverse the event’s range has become. Hardware hacking village at DEFCON 23 … what are these folks cooking up? :-> — Terry Bradley (@PLEX_Terry) August 8, 2015 The man making puzzles for hackers: If you want to know how to keep 16,000 geeks entertained, ask the Lost […]

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