Online Security News: Patriot Pilot Reveals Identity Online for Airport Security

Online Security - Airport SecurityWoman being stopped by TSAOnline Security News: Patriot Pilot Reveals Identity Online for Airport Security, Blog, Hacker, News, Security, hacking

Online security videos that show lapses in airport security were posted on YouTube by a mystery pilot who finally revealed his identity this week.

Chris Liu, 50, posted a cellphone video on YouTube critical of safety among ground crew at San Francisco International Airport.

“There have been numerous articles written about this security problem, and I just wanted to address it. I didn’t really think that anybody was watching YouTube, so I didn’t really think much of it,” Liu said.

Liu, who went by the pseudonym The Patriot Pilot, says he has been flying for more than 12 years. The Transportation Security Administration suspended him from the Federal Flight Deck Officer program for violating rules about sensitive security information.

Liu says his suspension was a retaliation against him for exposing a security flaw.

“Clearly, from the world-wide response my story has received, I have really made people at the TSA angry,” he wrote. “I am sorry about that, as it was never my intent to piss people off. I only wanted to make aviation safer by pointing out what I though was a major security problem that was not getting properly addressed by the TSA, while the rest of us were getting screened, scanned, groped, x-rayed and generally treated pretty poorly; all at a cost of billions and billions of dollars.”

Asked why he did it, the pilot said it was simply his duty.

“Janet Napolitano did state that if you see something, say something,” he said Monday night on CNN’s “AC 360,” referring to the nation’s Homeland Security department chief. “I think (the public) already knows (about security issues) personally.”

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