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#parent | #kids | California teacher arrested for sending lewd messages to minor | #teacher | #children | #kids

A California high school teacher and LGBTQ+ club moderator was arrested Wednesday for sending lewd messages to a child.

Roger Kavigan, a social science teacher at Foothill High School in Santa Ana, allegedly posed as a minor to carry out his perverted scheme, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office said.

Kavigan was nabbed five days after police were shown a TikTok video of the 55-year-old teacher being confronted by a “male subject” for exchanging inappropriate text messages with a child, the cops said.

Kavigan was a high school social science teacher and Gay Straight Alliance club advisor.
Orange County Sheriff’s Office

After investigating, police discovered Kavigan “posed as a minor to conduct the text message conversation.”

Kavigan’s employers may have been the ones to report his crime.

In addition to teaching at the high school, the accused pervert served as an advisor for the Gay Straight Alliance / Gender Sexuality Alliance, school records show. Kavigan was also elected as the Parliamentarian for Foothill’s School Site Council in mid-September.

Foothill High School administrators told parents they alerted authorities upon hearing of Kavigan’s actions.
Tustin Unified School District

Tustin Unified School District officials told parents they had been alerted to the incident by a student Saturday night and immediately called the police, CBS reported.

Kavigan was “immediately placed on indefinite administrative leave.”

He was booked on suspicion of contacting a minor with intent to commit sexual assault and is being held on $100,000 bail.

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