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#parent | #kids | Calvert BOE Commits To A Salary Increase For Teachers For 2023-2024 School Year | #Education

PRINCE FREDERICK, Md. – The Calvert County Board of Education and the Calvert Education Association, as part of the implementation of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding to provide a teacher salary increase for the 2023-2024 school year.

This will include a 2.75% salary increase in August 2023 and another 2.75% salary increase in February 2024. These salary increases are in addition to the 1% salary increase for the 2023-2024 school year, previously negotiated between the Calvert County Board of Education and the Calvert Education Association. 

“We understand the important work our teachers do every day. They are truly deserving of this salary increase,” shared Board of Education President Pamela Cousins. “We also want to ensure that our administrators and support staff understand that we value their dedication and hard work too,” continued President Cousins. “That’s why we are proposing a comparable salary increase for these employees in our upcoming FY24 budget proposal.” 

“Calvert County Public Schools’ proposed FY24 budget will include projected costs to fund the teacher salary increase that is mandated by the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future. Additionally, the proposed FY24 budget will include projected costs to provide a similar increase for support staff and administrators,” explained Superintendent Dr. Andraé Townsel. 

“It is critical that we receive additional local funding to support those employees who are not covered by the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future,” continued Dr. Townsel. 

The Calvert County Public Schools’ proposed FY24 budget will be presented by Superintendent Townsel at the January 26th Board of Education Budget Meeting. 

“I am very thankful for the collaboration and commitment to excellence between our County Commissioners, Board of Education, and District administration,” shared Dr. Townsel. 

For more information about the Calvert County Public Schools budget process, visit 

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