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#parent | #kids | #childpredator | Prosecutors say little girl found dead in woods was TORTURED by her own Petty Officer 1st Class mother – Crime Online

A Florida mother tortured her little girl prior to her death, then reported her missing after dumping her tiny body in a wooded area in Alabama, according to prosecutors.

Brianna Williams, the mother of slain 5-year-old Taylor Williams, was previously facing two counts of child neglect and one count of lying to authorities. She’s now facing additional charges of tampering with evidence and aggravated child abuse.

As CrimeOnline previously reported, Williams, who was a Petty Officer 1st Class at NAS Jacksonville, previously told police she last saw Taylor in her bedroom at around midnight on November 6, 2019, in their Brentwood, Florida, home. She said that by morning, an exterior door had been opened and Taylor had disappeared.

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Williams initially cooperated with investigators. Authorities said she stopped cooperating when they informed her that her story didn’t add up.

Around a week later, search crews found Taylor’s remains in a wooded area near Demopolis, Alabama, where Williams is from. Williams was subsequently arrested but pleaded not guilty.

Brianna Williams Updated Ch… by Leigh Egan on Scribd

According to recently-released court documents, Williams is accused of maliciously torturing, punishing, or caging Taylor between the last time the little girl was seen alive seen in April and November 6, when Williams reported the child missing.

Prosecutors claimed that Williams dumped Taylor’s body in the woods before she moved from a Southside apartment in Jacksonville to the Brentwood home. Williams then hired movers on Craigslist. The movers, Tiffani Robinette and Chris Bonaventure, said they never saw Taylor the entire time.

Authorities searched Williams’ previous apartment and found bloodstains, fecal matter, smells of decay, and cans of soup with small openings inside the apartment. Cadaver dogs who searched Williams’ Honda Accord picked up on scents of decomposition in both the trunk and the driver’s compartment.

Sex toys, fecal matter, dead maggots, and soiled children’s clothing were also found inside the car, according to court documents.

GPA tracking determined that Williams went to Alabama on October 31, then again on November 1 and 2. Taylor’s remains were found in the area where authorities had tracked Williams’ GPS. In the same area, investigators found a rope, blue gloves, wire, papers, a knife, and cardboard.

According to News4Jax, prosecutors have additional evidence that has mounted to “thousands of pieces of evidence.”

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[Feature Photo: Brianna and Taylor Williams/Police Handout]

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