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#parent | #kids | #childsafety | New COVID Cases Soaring in These 5 States

Coronavirus cases are falling in former hotzones like Texas—CDC Director Robert Redfield calls this “progress”—but some states in the Midwest are seeing cases rise. Here’s which ones, “based on a seven-day moving average to smooth out daily reporting,” according to a CNBC analysis of data collected by Johns Hopkins. And to keep yourself and others safe during this pandemic no matter where you live, don’t miss this essential list of the Sure Signs You’ve Already Had Coronavirus.
Des Moines Iowa skyline and public park in USA

Iowa has 55,996 cases and 1,033 deaths. “Several hundred newly-reported cases of the illness caused by the novel coronavirus has pushed the total number of cases of the disease past 55,000, along with more than a dozen new deaths, according to state officials,” reports KCRG. “White House experts this month urged Iowa officials to require residents to wear face masks in public in most urban areas and several rural counties, and to close bars in those areas until the coronavirus pandemic is tamped down,” according to the Des Moines Register.

Dr. Samuel J. Crumbine, Secretary of the Kansas State Board of Health in 1918 who educated the public about the Spanish Influenza Pandemic and its prevention.

“Classes at K-State just started this week, and already, 13 members of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity have tested positive for the coronavirus. Manhattan, Kansas Mayor Usha Reddi posted pictures of students partying that she’s taken on evening strolls, and university administrators put out an urgent letter, begging students to behave responsibly,” reports the Kansas City Star. “Right now, as never before in any of our lifetimes,” it said, “we need everyone to follow the same playbook.” The state has 37,544 cases and 431 deaths.

CTA Bus Drivers in masks taking a break near Foster and Broadway

“The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) says 20 counties in the state are now at a ‘warning level’ for COVID-19,” reports WSIL. “These counties saw cases or outbreaks associated with weddings, businesses, neighborhood gatherings, parties, long-term care facilities and other congregate settings, travel to neighboring states, bars, sports camps, and spread among members of the same household who are not isolating at home. Cases connected to schools are also beginning to be reported. Public health officials are observing people not social distancing or using face coverings. Additionally, there are reports of individuals who are ill attributing their symptoms to allergies or other illnesses, or not being forthcoming about their symptoms or close contacts,” said a release Friday from the Illinois Department of Public Health. The state has 220,000 cases and 8,107 deaths.

“Some members of the Burleigh-Morton COVID-19 Task Force on Friday expressed frustration with what they said are mixed messages coming from the state, as active cases of the coronavirus disease in North Dakota hit a new high and local cases surpassed 500,” reports the Bismarck Tribune. “County after county we have record numbers. Statewide, we’re asking people to take it seriously, and by the way, our state report is we are low risk,” Ministry on the Margins founder Sister Kathleen Atkinson said. “That contradictory message, I think, weakens any credibility.” North Dakota has 9,740 cases and 139 deaths.

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

“South Dakota state health officials announced Thursday that a person who worked at a tattoo shop in Sturgis had tested positive for the virus and could have possibly exposed people during the event last week,” reports CNN. “Coronavirus cases linked to the Sturgis motorcycle rally in South Dakota last week have now reached across state lines to Nebraska, public health officials said.” South Dakota has 11,135 cases and 160 deaths.

Woman and man in social distancing sitting on bench in park

“New coronavirus cases in the U.S. grew by nearly 48,700 on Friday, marking seven consecutive days the daily count fell below 50,000 as the nation gradually descends from a summer of outbreaks,” reports CNBC. “I think we’re seeing progress over the last four weeks, I hope that progress will continue, but I think none of us should turn away from the recognition that it’s key each of us recognize we want to make sure Covid stops with us,” said Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield on a conference call Friday.

Women hands holding hand sanitizer with alcohol spray and surgical mask.

“We don’t have to close retail, you don’t have to lock down,” said Redfield. “We really just need to wear face coverings when we can’t social distance, wash your hands and be smart about crowds. Particularly obviously the overcrowding that occurs in bars and indoor restaurants, and we can get this outbreak under control.” And to get through this pandemic at your healthiest, don’t miss these 37 Places You’re Most Likely to Catch Coronavirus.


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