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#parent | #kids | Former Smithville ISD teacher arrested on child sexual assault charges | #teacher | #children | #kids

Officials said the teacher admitted to having a sexual relationship with the teen months after she resigned from her role as a chemistry teacher.

SMITHVILLE, Texas — A former Smithville High School teacher was arrested this week, charged with sexually assaulting a child and possession of child pornography.

The Bastrop County Sheriff’s Office began investigating the case on Aug. 30 after receiving a report of the assault. A 16-year-old male made an outcry that he was assaulted by his former teacher, 25-year-old Abigail Seidel of Rosanky.

Officials said Seidel was employed as a chemistry teacher before she resigned in May 2022. She claimed their sexual relationship began months later in August 2022.

According to a report from KVUE’s news partners at the Austin American-Statesman, Seidel picked the teen up and later drove him somewhere to have sex in the bed of her pickup. She told police she admitted to two sexual encounters in August. She also reportedly admitted to exchanging nude photos with the student.

Seidel was booked in the Bastrop County Jail and was reportedly released Thursday after posting a $100,000 bond.

The school district released the following statement on its website:

“In August 2022, Smithville Independent School District received information regarding an allegation of inappropriate conduct by a former employee directed toward a minor. Smithville ISD promptly reported this concern to law enforcement and to state education certification authorities. According to a statement released today from Bastrop County Sheriff’s Office, this individual has been arrested. Federal parent/student confidentiality laws prevent SISD from providing further details regarding the allegation. There are currently no ongoing safety or security concerns in connection with the report of this past incident. Smithville ISD is committed to maintaining a safe and affirming climate for our learners, staff and community. SISD will continue to work collaboratively with law enforcement to assist, as needed, in the investigation. Any questions should be directed to Bastrop County Sheriff’s Office at 512-549-5100.”

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