This is the first in a series highlighting Lansing-area restaurants adapting to the threat of COVID-19 and a new normal.
You can hear so much in a restaurant owner’s voice these days – fear, uncertainty, frustration, dejection, gratitude, determination, hope, laughter.
Often, in the same conversation.
“Sometimes you think you’re dreaming about this (stuff),” said Chuck Raad, owner of Woody’s Oasis in East Lansing.
COVID-19 has brought the Lansing-area’s restaurant community to its knees. Dining rooms have been closed since March 16 and will remain so through at least May 28, per the order of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Takeout, curbside pickup and delivery are the new normal for everyone who’s open, including places that never imagined they’d serve food in plastic foam boxes.
Some restaurants are gone already and aren’t coming back — Mijo’s Diner, for example. Some aren’t certain they’ll get through the next month.
“Even some of our finest mentors and cheerleaders (in the restaurant business), they’re as scared as we are,” said Jeremy Sprague, president and head brewer at Sleepwalker in Lansing’s REO Town neighborhood.
Nobody is sure what the landscape will look like a year from now. Places you love, staples of the community, places that were really taking off, others just launching — no one is immune to the economic havoc of this virus.
“In the restaurant industry, the margins are razor thin,” said Keith Buchele, general manager of the Soup Spoon Cafe. “There’s an unsustainable curve to these things. Once you lose 50 percent of sales, as a restaurant, there’s no way to make money. It’s not viable. It’s not sustainable.”
If your sales are down only 50%, you’re one of the lucky ones.
Sales are down 75% to 80% at Soup Spoon, Buchele said. Same for Crunchy’s in East Lansing and The English Inn in Eaton Rapids. The dip is estimated closer to 90% at Dagwood’s Tavern and Grill and El Azteco East Lansing. Same for Red Rosie Bakery in Charlotte and Tony M’s Restaurant on South Creyts Road in Lansing, where $35,000 a week is down to about $4,000. The percentages aren’t much better at a lot of other places, most of which have laid off the majority of their workforce but still have considerable fixed costs.
“It’s just ugly, man. It just is,” said Mark Taylor, owner of Fidler’s on the Grand in Lansing, which immediately lost 85% of its usual business when it closed its dining room. “I went to DEFCON 1, trying to figure out how we’re going to survive.”
Restaurants are forced to adapt new methods or close
For Taylor, who opened his restaurant in August 2018, that meant becoming a one-man band some days and having his family become his staff again.
For Olympic Broil in north Lansing and Steakhouse Philly on the edge of East Lansing, adapting included utilizing drive-thru windows in their buildings that weren’t previously part of operations.
“Doing that much business in there is like sucking in an elephant through a straw,” said Olympic Broil owner Mike Alexander.
It’s worked, though. Since the beginning of April, Alexander’s restaurant, which serves coney dogs and burgers and wraps from scratch, is back with “sales almost up to par.” Alexander actually added a person to his staff because the new normal doesn’t allow his crew to be quite as efficient.
Olympic Broil’s success isn’t the norm. But the effort to adapt is.
The owners of Shove It Pizza Truck responded to losing a season’s worth of work at festivals and fairs by, overnight, turning themselves into a handmade pizza delivery service anywhere within 20 miles of downtown Lansing. You place an order online by 8 p.m. and the next day they’ll deliver it. You just put it in the oven.
“We’re paying the bills, we’re staying alive,” said Brenda Glinke, who owns Shove It Pizza with her husband. “We’re completely exhausted but we’re thankful.”
A number of places have ramped up their websites and built online ordering systems. Coffee shops began offering half-gallon iced lattes to take home or coffee mug/bags of coffee combo deals to try to give you a little of the experience on your own. Some lunch spots are doing their heaviest volumes of business at dinner and adjusting their hours.
Likewise, hours are being moved and narrowed to fit the demands of a customer base that’s been thrown out of its routine, as well. What used to be 11 a.m. to midnight six days a week might now be 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. three days a week.
Easter dinner to go, large group lunches, family portions — everything is on the table. Or, actually, in your hands, at your car, delivered by a person in a mask.
“To have your burger and fries served by someone in an astronaut suit is not the most comfortable thing,” joked Autumn Weston, owner of Kewpee Sandwich Shop in downtown Lansing.
At Family Tree Cafe in DeWitt, when the orders came in too fast for the restaurant’s one phone line, owner Tim Russell had to share his personal cell phone number with customers.
Red Haven, a farm-to-table restaurant in Okemos, was built on communal family-style dining — and big groups.
“Everything that makes us unique you can’t do now,” said Nina Santucci, who owns Red Haven with her husband. “It’s been really weird being in the hospitality business and not being able to be very hospitable.”
They began putting together “harvest boxes,” combinations of local produce, meat and dairy, becoming a grocery store of sorts and focusing on family to-go meals for two to six people.
Campbell’s Market Basket in East Lansing went from serving fresh soups and sandwiches to being primarily a curbside and contact-free grocery store, with customers able to see the entire store online and order remotely.
More: Art’s Pub to Zaytoon: See how Lansing area restaurants, bars, bakeries and coffee shops are coping
“That was not something we ever thought about,” said owner Ken Campbell. “Instead of slinging sandwiches and hot soup, my labor is turned around … we’ll do the shopping for them.”
The greatest challenge has come for those restaurants and bars that were tailored to the in-house experience or relied heavily on alcohol sales. The places that, before March 16, no one ever thought of as a take-out option. Places like Crunchy’s, which not only relied partly on Michigan State University’s shuttered campus, but also karaoke nights and being the quintessential MSU experience.
“We don’t make nearly the money on food as we did on booze,” Crunchy’s owner Mike Krueger said. “To lose that portion of the business is pretty devastating, frankly.”
The English Inn in Eaton Rapids realized quickly that it had a problem. Its existence is based on ambiance and special evenings — weddings, anniversaries, date nights.
“We brainstormed a lot. ‘What do we do to make things special?’” The English Inn owner Erik Nelson said. “If you just order a dish, take it home, and eat out of Styrofoam carton, that’s not special.”
What they came up with was a four-course meal for two — appetizers, salads, entrees, desserts and a bottle of wine.
It’s good problem-solving. Problem is, it only pays the bills two days a week, Fridays and Saturdays, with three employees, instead of the usual 48, the rest of whom are laid off.
Federal PPP loan offers a lifeline and a headache
Many of the restaurants, bars, coffee shops and bakeries in our area have been able to procure some sort of financial assistance through public and private grants and loans, including the $10,000 Lansing Economic Area Partnership grant, which went to 60 small businesses.
Most have applied for a Paycheck Protection Program, better known as PPP, a forgivable loan, if you follow a host of rigid rules to a T.
PPP is not built for restaurants — because one of the primary stipulations for having the loan forgiven is that you spend 75% of it on payroll and that you hire your full-time staff back by June 30.
There are two issues here:
One, many restaurant employees are making more on unemployment insurance through the end of July than they were while working, thanks to the extra $600 a week in their unemployment checks. That’s been a blessing for restaurant owners and managers who care about the welfare of their employees and had no choice but to drastically trim staff. But getting them back right away isn’t a cinch.
“It’s a bit of a challenge because of the money they’re making on federal unemployment,” said Art’s Pub owner Greg Sinicropi, who’s operating with a staff of 15, down from 40. “You hear rumors out there, but it’s a true story.”
The National Restaurant Association is pushing Congress for changes to some of the requirements, including perhaps giving restaurants 90 days instead of eight weeks to hire back employees and lessening how much of the PPP loan has to be spent on payroll when there are other fixed costs causing more stress.
That brings us to Issue 2: “For me to have 20 full-time staff, to do the amount of work that there is to do around here, doesn’t make sense,” Krueger, the owner of Crunchy’s, said. He secured a PPP loan a couple weeks ago.
The few places where staffing levels have remained steady — Good Truckin’ Diner and Groovy Donuts, for example — the PPP loan is more clearly a godsend.
Even where it isn’t perfect, it’s a lifeline.
“The Paycheck Protection Program, it’s just adding more life. Adding more weeks of staying alive,” said Stuart Vanis, who owns Coral Gables in East Lansing with his sister.
The East Lansing problem hinges on MSU
Some of the places that are hurting most are, not surprisingly, on the doorstep of MSU, which is missing tens of thousands of students, staff and potential restaurant patrons. And there’s no guarantee they’ll be back this fall.
“I’ve got a bad feeling about that,” Crunchy’s Krueger said. “It’s absolutely critical.”
Making matters worse, Grand River Avenue across from campus and the blocks that surround it are the Lansing area’s highest rent district.
El Azteco East Lansing is down 90% in sales but considers itself lucky that it doesn’t rely entirely on students and MSU staff. The folks who own and operate The Peanut Barrel feel the same way.
“We’re fortunate to have a pretty large local following,” said Johnny Vlahakis, general manager and owner of El Azteco East Lansing. “We’ve been around since 1976. A lot of people who eat here grew up here.
“We own our building. A lot of these new places that just went in, they’re 40, 50 bucks a square foot. I don’t know how they’re doing anything (to pay) for rent.”
Even with those advantages, Vlahakis couldn’t say whether East Lansing’s El Azteco — separately owned from the one on Lansing’s west side — would survive.
“It’s kind of up in the air, depending how long it lasts,” Vlahakis said. “It’s a lot less labor. But the cost is still up there. At this time, we’re making it. Barely.”
The Vlahakis family also owns nearby Dublin Square, largely a student watering hole that Vlahakis said won’t open until customers can dine and drink inside.
The same is likely for a number of other famed East Lansing haunts — Harrison Roadhouse, Beggar’s Banquet, Rick’s American Cafeand The Riv, all run by the same management company, the latter two primarily student bars.
“At the moment, we have every intention of bringing everything back,” said Tom “Dewey” Bramson, an ownership partner in all of them — as well as Nuthouse Sports Grill, a staple of downtown Lansing, which is also temporarily closed. “But it doesn’t change weekly or daily. It changes hourly. You have to be nimble. If you reopen, you have to make sure you’re doing so responsibly for team members, guests and our vendors. I think there’s a bit of a wait-and-see approach.”
Each location will be analyzed individually, Bramson said, because they serve different clientele. He also said his group feels a responsibility to continue the tradition of these places, all of which have been around for more than two decades, 50 years in the case of Beggar’s Banquet.
“The two biggest impacts in terms of revenue going forward: Students being back and there being a football season,” Bramson said. “That is the light at the end of the tunnel for us. And nobody knows what that looks like.”
Which restaurants will survive?
One of the questions I asked the 50-plus restaurants I spoke with was whether they could survive May if it looked like April.
Most thought they could weather it or at least scrape by.
It was beyond that, however, that they were primarily concerned. And not just for themselves.
“I’d love to say we’re going to be standing at the end, but I guess I don’t know,” said Matthew Gillett, co-owner of Saddleback BBQ in Lansing. “I don’t sleep well at night, I’ll put it that way. The Lansing area needs these restaurants to survive. It does not help anybody if one restaurant closes because of this.”
“Part of the fear is if small businesses go down the drain, those that will be left standing, the chains, that will not be healthy for Lansing,” Fidler on the Grand’s Taylor said. “Nor will it create the depth of experience for our industry. You don’t have the same quality of food, product or aesthetic experience in a chain.”
More: ‘People still have to eat.’ Carryout carries Lansing mainstay DeLuca’s, Detroit Frankie’s through coronavirus
The uncertainty won’t end when Gov. Whitmer allows patrons to eat and drink in restaurants again. How much capacity is allowed, our habits as consumers, and how quickly we find treatments and a vaccine for COVID-19 are all unknowns that’ll determine so much for restaurants. What nobody knows is how soon we’ll want to be close to one another again.
“When we do reopen (the seating area), it’s going to be a while before it’s normal. It’s still going to be a while,” said Jackie Salazar, assistant to owner Gregory Eaton at Gregory’s Soul Food on Lansing’s north side. “You still have to get customers to come back. That’s going to be the hard part.”
“At some point, you have to make a decision: keep doing what you’re currently doing, opening up at 25 or 50 percent capacity or figure out something different,” said Red Haven’s Santucci. “A year is a long time. And I think that’s what it’s going to end up being. And I think people’s habits will be significantly different. I’m not sure there’s a place for family-style dining. I’m not sure. We have no plans to go anywhere. It’s just a matter of what it looks like when the doors do finally open.”
“What steps can you do to make the public feel safe?” said Kurt Weaver, general manager at Cask & Company and Front 43 Pub on Lansing’s east side. “Those are the restaurants that are going to be successful.”
Along those lines, Weaver is installing a PathSpot hand scanner, positioned just outside the kitchen, in view of the bar, that’ll show employees if there is any food-borne bacteria on their hands and areas that are more dirty than others. The idea is to aid both staff hygiene and customer peace of mind.
Survival, of course, depends on a number of factors, including the financial stability of the business before this pandemic struck, overhead, flexibility, etc.
For example, Margie Cheadle, who owns Dagwood’s Tavern and Grill, said while this is far more severe than the economic collapse 12 years ago, she’s in a better position personally to handle it.
Waypoint Coffee in St. Johns had its grand opening on March 1. They received one small business loan and sales are down about 75% percent — as best they can tell — but they have several advantages, too.
“We’re really blessed to have low overhead,” said Waypoint co-owner Ethan Painter. “One of the things about opening a business in a smaller town, your operational costs are lower. And we have some funds set aside to get us through.”
Overwhelming gratitude for community support
The small-town advantage isn’t just a rent advantage. There’s a community aspect to it, as well, a sense that everyone has something at stake.
“I think in a small town, families are going to take care of these guys because they want somewhere to go when this is over,” said Dean Mazzolini, owner of Deano’s Pizza in St. Johns. “Our small-town people are overtipping tremendously. They just sort of take care of you.”
Erica Limas closed Evelyn Bay Coffee Shop in Charlotte a couple of weeks after Whitmer’s stay-at-home order in mid-March. She officially reopened on Monday.
“I’m telling you, this community has really shown they care. They care if I’m here. They want me to be here,” Limas said. “Charlotte’s an amazing little town. When push comes to shove, we take care of our own.”
Elsewhere in a small town, Jose’s Cuban Sandwich Restaurant & Deli opened a location in Williamston at the beginning of March. That location has done better since the pandemic began than Jose’s more established spot in Lansing.
“They’ve been very supportive in Williamston the last two or three weeks,” owner Jose Miroquesada said. “Lots of people picking up (food), lots of deliveries, people asking if we’re going to stay.”
If anything good comes of this for the restaurant business, it’ll be their realization of their value to communities and neighborhoods, and our understanding of how much it matters where we choose to spend our money and how we interact.
The gift card purchases, the generous tips, the thank yous. The cards from children, with drawings, thanking places for being open …
“I love my weekend donuts. Thank you. Red velvet is my favorite,” a note delivered to Groovy Donuts read.
There is a connection being made between restaurant and patron that is significant — and motivating to those trying to grind out a living and keep their dream in one piece.
“Customers dropped off masks. It’s been very kind,” said Walah Aljabbary, general manager of Zaytoon Mediterranean Restaurant. “We’ve been thanked 10 times a day. People come in to pick up food, thank us for staying open. It’s something that makes us feel appreciated and makes us want to stay open.”
“That’s what’s keeping us here, that’s what’s keeping us up,” said Kewpee’s Weston. “We don’t have designated parking, we don’t have a drive-thru, we don’t have a walk-up window. It’s people coming to us. The only reason we’re here is the community of amazing customers, loyal ones.”
“Money comes and goes. We’re still strong mentally,” said Reem Hanna, owner of Jerusalem Bakery. “We thank our customers so much. Our regulars, they’re the love of our life.”
“The people that come in, they’re actually kind and polite, more than they usually are,” Olympic Broil’s Alexander said. “They all know there’s a problem. They actually care. That’s a good feeling to live in a society where people care. They’ve showed their kindness.”
You’ll find that restaurants, while working with unsustainable margins and stress, are still giving what they can — donating meals to first responders, hospitals and essential workers, and trying to support each other. And you.
“It’s like every day is just so much,” said Ellie Hundt Sutherland, general manager of Sweetie-licious Bakery Cafe in DeWitt. “People are happy we’re providing what we can. People need a little positivity. If we can give someone their favorite birthday cookie or pie, we want to be there for that.”
“We hear it every day, ‘I’m purposely getting out to support three businesses today.’ ‘I’m here because I want you to be here when we get back to normal,’” said Nick Berry, co-owner of Blue Owl Coffee. “It’s more about mission statement. Not about cash flow. We need to be who we said we’d be for our neighbors at this point.”
Contact Graham Couch at Follow him on Twitter @Graham_Couch.
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