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Support the Youth Scholarship ProgramThe City of West Hollywood reminds community members looking for a way to give back this holiday season about the West Hollywood Youth Scholarship Program. One of the first municipal governmental programs of its kind in the country, the Youth Scholarship Program awards $2,000 to students who reside in West Hollywood and complete 150 hours of community service.

Donating to the Youth Scholarship Program is a great way to give back. The program supports local students in West Hollywood in pursuing their education beyond high school. Donations to the Youth Scholarship Program are tax-deducible and support scholarship funds for students for any expense incurred in pursuing education at an accredited college, university, trade, or vocational school. For community members who are interested in donating, visit the donation link posted at https://www.weho.org/youthscholarship or visit the direct link at https://secure.qgiv.com/for/youthsco.

Prospective applicants who are interested in the Youth Scholarship Program may visit the program page on the City of West Hollywood’s website for details: https://www.weho.org/youthscholarship. Applications for the program will open in Spring 2023. To qualify, students must meet the following requirements:

  • Residency – Applicant is a West Hollywood resident at the time the scholarship application is submitted and awarded. Please visit www.weho.org/city-government/contact-us/map-of-weho for a map of West Hollywood.
  • Secondary Education – Applicant is a high school senior on target to graduate or individual receiving a GED.
  • Post-Secondary Education – Applicant is planning to pursue post-secondary education and has proof of acceptance to a post-secondary institution.
  • Community Service – Applicant has performed 150 hours of verified community service.

The West Hollywood Youth Scholarship Program was first started in 2007 and recognizes the importance of education to our community. Since its inception, more than 40 youth scholarships have been awarded to West Hollywood students. Organized by the City of West Hollywood, funds for the Youth Scholarship Program come entirely from individual and community donations. Each year, the City encourages donations from community members, organizations, and area businesses.

For additional information please contact Dee Saunders in the City of West Hollywood’s Social Services Division at dsaunders@weho.org or by calling (323) 848-6510. For people who are Deaf or hard of hearing, please call TTY (323) 848-6496.

For up-to-date information about City of West Hollywood news and events, follow @wehocity on social media, sign-up for news updates at www.weho.org/email, and visit the City’s calendar of meetings and events at www.weho.org/calendar. The City of West Hollywood remains in a declared local emergency in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. West Hollywood City Hall is open for walk-in services at public counters or by appointment by visiting www.weho.org/appointments. City Hall services are accessible by phone at (323) 848-6400 and via website at www.weho.org. The City’s coronavirus updates are available at www.weho.org/coronavirus.
For reporters and members of the media seeking additional information about the City of West Hollywood, please contact the City of West Hollywood’s Public Information Officer, Sheri A. Lunn, at (323) 848-6391 or slunn@weho.org.

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