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#parent | #kids | Pastor Brian Mahiques Accused of Sexual Abuse in Concord, NC | #predators | #childpredators | #kids

The lead pastor at Encounter Church in Concord has been accused of sexually abusing at least 4 minors.

4 Minors Accuse Encounter Church Pastor Brian Mahiques of Sexual Assault

Lawyer Analysis: Brian Kent is a lawyer for victims of sexual assault by pastors and other religious clergy members. In the second section of this article, Brian will discuss the legal rights of church sex abuse victims.

41-year-old pastor Brian Mahiques has been arrested for allegedly sexually abusing at least four minors, including at least two youth group members.

Mahiques was first arrested on May 7 after the first two alleged victims came forward. He was initially charged with two counts of statutory sexual offense of a child and three counts of indecent liberties with a minor.

Two more alleged victims have recently come forward and Mahiques now faces additional charges of one count of statutory sexual offense and three counts of indecent liberties with a minor.

The sum of charges against Mahiques is now three counts of statutory sex offense of a child and six counts of indecent liberties with a minor.

Concord police say one of the alleged victims recently told their parents that they had been sexually abused by Mahiques several times between 2005-2006 when Mahiques was their youth pastor at The Refuge Church.

A second victim came forward during the initial investigation and also reported that Mahiques had sexually abused them during the same time period. This second alleged victim was also a youth group member at The Refuge Church.

Both of these alleged victims were under 16 years old at the time of the alleged abuse and both told investigators that some incidents happened at youth events and on Refuge Church property.

It is not clear if the two additional victims were also youth group members.

This investigation is ongoing and Concord Police investigators are working to determine if there are any other victims.

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Posted in Abductors & Predators

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