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#parent | #kids | PlayMonster Introduces New Chief Parenting Officer in Tandem with Playskool Glo Friends Launch • The Toy Book | #parenting

Source: PlayMonster/The Toy Book

In an effort to support social emotional learning (SEL), including mindful play, active listening, and encouraging reading, PlayMonster tapped parenting influencer Desiree Fortin to share her expertise with other parents as the company’s chief parenting officer. Fortin joins PlayMonster as the company launches Playskool Glo Friends, a new product line created in partnership with Hasbro.

“Being able to introduce reliable parenting methods and new ways to help other parents engage their kids has always been a joy,” Fortin says. “I am honored to work with the PlayMonster team on this incredible Playskool line to help share a better understanding of how social emotional learning when brought together with play can be such an important and positive influence in healthy early childhood development.”

Fortin previously hosted the “That New Mom Life” podcast on, is a contributor to the TODAY Show, and has more than 150,000 followers on her Instagram, @theperfectmom. 

Assorted products from the Playskool Glo Friends collection. | Source: PlayMonster/The Toy Book

Each product in the Glo Friends line focuses on an SEL element for kids ages 2 and up. The books in the Glo Friends Story Packs feature learning moments like breathing breaks to help parents teach their kids to regulate their emotions. Hugbug and Harmony offers different tactile experiences for kids to fidget and play with. Glo Friends is the latest piece of an ongoing Playskool relaunch from PlayMonster. Products from the line will debut at Amazon.

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Posted in Parenting, Tips & Advice

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