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#parent | #kids | Port Huron High teacher charged with attempted criminal sexual conduct | #teacher | #children | #kids

A Port Huron High teacher is facing a felony charge after a student reported he attempted to have sexual contact with her, according to a press release from the Marysville Police Department.

The 16-year-old girl reported it to a school resource officer Monday.

After the initial investigation by the school resource officer and school administration, the teacher was removed from class and sent home pending further investigation.

The Port Huron Police Department’s multi-jurisdictional Major Crimes Unit took over the investigation and determined the assault occurred in Marysville.  A Marysville officer assigned to the Major Crimes Unit assisted in preparing and executing a search warrant at a residence in the 1400 block of Aspen Drive.  The suspect was arrested and lodged in the St. Clair County jail with charges being requested through the St. Clair County Prosecutors Office.

Carrick Thomas Brennan, 27, was arraigned Tuesday on a felony charge of third-degree attempted criminal sexual conduct.  Brennan was held on $25,000 bond.  A probable cause hearing was set for Jan. 3.

Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to contact the Marysville Police Department at (810) 364-6300.

Port Huron Schools sent a letter to families concerning the incident.

“Yesterday, a student at Port Huron High School informed a teacher about a concerning incidentinvolving another teacher at the school. The teacher quickly involved the School ResourceOfficer and a Counselor who elevated it to the school administration and the student’s family.Once reported, I immediately placed the teacher on administrative leave, and Principal Palmerand his team removed the teacher from class and ensured the teacher left the campus. Theteacher in question is currently barred from all Port Huron Area School District premises and notto be involved with, nor have any communication with staff or students. The authorities are nowconducting a full investigation,” Superintendent Theo Kerhoulas wrote in the letter.

Gerry Mason, Brennan’s attorney, said the allegation is one-sided, as his client hasn’t had a chance to give his side of the story and there is no forensic evidence. However, Mason said they respect and will continue to work with police and prosecutors.

“It’s a he-said, she-said case,” Mason said.

Contact Liz Shepard at Laura Fitzgerald contributed to this report.

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