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#parent | #kids | #teacher | Drug trafficking charges dismissed against former Chestatee Academy teacher

Alvarez, Monica Pascual-Brito and Ricardo Pascual-Brito were charged in a February 2018 indictment with trafficking cocaine and drug trafficking.

The dismissal order states that both Pascual-Britos were arrested and deported because of their immigration status. However, at the time of the search, law enforcement was still actively searching for Ricardo Pascual-Brito. 

According to the dismissal order, law enforcement stopped Ricardo Pascual-Brito leaving a wire transfer store and “found him to be in possession of money straps representing large amounts of currency as well as receipts that showed large transfers of currency to Mexico.”

Darragh said late Tuesday he did not know when Ricardo Pascual-Brito was arrested and deported.

When neither Pascual-Brito showed up for arraignment, warrants were issued for them. Their cases were then moved to the dead docket “leaving (Alvarez) to answer for the drugs and weapons located at the residence.”

According to the order, Alvarez spoke with police following the search.

“After telling officers that the room the things were found in was Ricardo’s room, she discussed her job and told officers that Ricardo bought and sold cars for a living,” according to the order.

According to the order, Alvarez did admit helping Monica Pascual-Brito send money to Mexico, but said she was told they were sending money to family members there.

“Although there is a presumption that, as a homeowner, she must have had knowledge that drugs and guns were located in the residence, there does not appear to be evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that she had actual knowledge or that she was in any way a member of this criminal organization,” according to the order.

Defense attorney Rock Remson said he was surprised the case made it past the grand jury.

“She was just simply in the house where the other stuff was going on,” Remson said.

Alvarez had been a teacher at Chestatee since August 2015 and coached the middle school girls soccer team, according to Hall County School District officials. She resigned following the charges.

Remson said Alvarez has moved on to a different field of work.

“She made some adjustments over the past few years just knowing that she’s not likely going to be a teacher again,” he said.

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