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However, on Monday, pod2g said the untether jailbreak failed because of processor cache issues. But the fans still encouraged him. One said “Well that still sounds pretty good.This might be the last obstacle on your way to release because once you figure this out the iPad 2 will be easy hence basically the same hardware. GOOD LUCK! “
Finally, pod2g did not disappoint his fans – he resolved the A5 cache issue and to the jailbreak community, he is a hero.
However, pod2g’s action may anger the tech giant Apple. Several days ago, Apple made a significant move in finding and successfully patching the exploits by using its iTunes-based crash reporting system. But Chronic Dev Team quickly rolled out the “Chronic-Dev Crash Reporter” tool, which prevents users’ computer from sending crash reports on their iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad to Apple. The tool can copy all the crash reports off the device, and then send these reports to a Chronic-hosted secure, private server. The hacker collective then can use these reports to find vulnerabilities in the process fails, which may help hackers to roll out an untethered jailbreak for the iOS 5.
Meanwhile, the Los Angeles hacker MuscleNerd from iPhone Dev-team, released redsn0w 0.9.9b9d for both Mac and Windows users. iPhone Dev-team is also expected to release the iOS 5 untethered jailbreak.
Both pod2g and MuscleNerd are burning the midnight oil as their fans are waiting for them to emerge victorious.
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