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Pornography site information accessed by hacker


Calcutta News.Net
Saturday 11th February, 2012

A computer hacker from Morocco has claimed to have accessed a disused pornography web site to find the names of 350,000 former users.

In an open email, the hacker, who described himself as a 17-year-old with ties to hacking group Anonymous, said he had compromised personal information, including payment details.

The disused website had been operated by pornography provider Brazzers and Luxembourg-based Manwin, which runs some of the world’s most-used pornography websites.

Manwin has said investigations are taking place, although there was no breach of credit card information.

Earlier in the week, the young hacker posted to the internet some emails, usernames and supposedly-safe encrypted passwords.

Last week the hack-collective Anonymous reported that it had been able to hack into several websites affiliated with the US Central Intelligence Agency and the state of Alabama.

The CIA website was offline for most of the 10th of February due to the hack.

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