Russian Cyber Command Hacked SearchInform, Data Leaked

 SearchInform a well known Russian cyber security firm , which deal in Data protection and Security solutions gets hacked by a group of hackers claiming to be the Russian Cyber Command, Hackers said that they compromised company’s infrastructure from there public support in 2012. Just after the anouncment company tool its server offline along with its both websites and Which proves that the company have realize that there security have been breached

Rucyborg says SearchInform is a “top Russian spy company.”

at CyberGuerilla Hacker wrotes
“Tonight we deliver a devastating blow into Putin regime by anihilating his TOP IT market leader – the FSB company that is in control of main Russian infrastructure companies – like VELES CAPITAL, RUSAL, GAZPROM, SUKHOI and many many others. Including Russian United Airobuild Corp – OAK and IRKUT,”

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