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SF Hottie 11,000,000* Stun Gun Rechargeable

SF Hottie 11,000,000* Stun Gun Rechargeable

The Hottie 11,000,000* has earned the TOP GUN seal for its superior strength and quality. This seal is only awarded to the most elite models in each stun gun category.

This model offers many features that are normally not found in this size stun gun. For instance, for quick access, the light and the stun gun can work without removing the unit from its holster and it includes an optional disable pin. This allows you to choose whether or not you want to use the feature that prevents the stun gun from working if it is ever dropped or taken away from you.
Effects of the Stun Gun:

A self-defense device which disrupts the message the brain sends to the voluntary muscles. Simply touching an attacker with a stun gun for three to five seconds will deliver a high voltage shock causing loss of balance and muscle control, confusion, and disorientation bringing him to his knees and making him incapable of further aggressive activity. Full recovery takes about five to ten minutes and there is no permanent harm.

*Actual Voltage out put is difficult to measure and verify, but this unit compares to other brands that claim to be 11,000,000 or more volts.

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