Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans
They come with bags–and boxes of old documents. Betty was holding on to hers for so long she had to make sure they got destroyed herself. Her bank statements and other personal papers went back to 2001. With a simple canned food donation you could get your old documents shredded–most are just worried about the identity theft that might happen if they didn’t come here. “I don’t want anybody to use my account numbers to know my business,” said Doris from Mobile. It’s a crime where you don’t know you’re a victim until it’s too late. “I think we should all be concerned about our personal information I think the best thing is not taking a chance rather than think ‘oh they’re not going to bother me in Mobile,’,” said Bill Wohlfarth from Mobile. Most of the people I spoke with said they’ve never had their identities stolen as far as they know, except for one woman who noticed something strange on her credit card statement once. “Someone used my credit card in London, I was in mobile, fortunately, my credit card company picked up on it and stopped it,” said Anita Winn from Mobile. I didn’t get to see […]
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