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Snowden: NSA Wants To Own Your Phone

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

Consumers rely on their smartphones for everything from snapping pictures to accessing email to storing sensitive personal information. And both hackers and the government are working to gather information from those devices. Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden on Monday told the BBC about efforts by intelligence agencies in the U.S. and the UK to take control of mobile devices using malware – and explained there “is very little” that smartphone users can do to stop them. Once they have access to the smartphone, agents or hackers can hijack a smartphone’s camera and microphone to take photos, video, and audio without a user’s knowledge. There are valid reasons to hijack a phone in this way. Terrorists and other criminals often rely on pre-paid “burner” phones, which they discard from time to time, says former CIA operative Robert Baer. If the NSA can hijack the burner phone and control the camera, however, “you might be able to identify the user by getting a shot of his face,” he says. Drawing on his knowledge of confidential documents, Snowden revealed to the BBC that the UK’s Government Communications Headquarters has created a set of phone hacking programs called “Smurf Suite,” which are uploaded to a moblie device via a malicious text message. Perhaps […]

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