NCS 8/10/11 – Aug 10,2011

Law officers think technology may have played a key role in the rioting going on in England. Research in Motion’s Inside BlackBerry Blog was hacked Tuesday after the Canadian smartphone maker suggested it would cooperate with London police to help identify rioters who may have used a BlackBerry messaging service…

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NCS 10/10/11 – Oct 10,2011

The U.S. government remains tight lipped about a computer virus that infected the cockpits of America’s Predator and Reaper drones. They are saying that the virus has been logging pilots’ every keystroke while they flew remote missions over warzones including Afghanistan. It may be National Cyber Security Awareness month but…

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NCS 10/20/11 – Oct 20,2011

The Department of Homeland Security tapped a new man to work with cybersecurity partners across the country. Mark Weatherford will discuss issues that affect the federal government. This year has been a very busy year for hackers. You may remember Anonymous and LulzSec wreaking havoc on the federal government and…

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NCS 11/10/11 – Nov 10,2011

The London Metropolitan Police Service’s PCeU (Police Central E-Crime Unit), announced the sentencing of a pair of Ukrainian nationals after they were found using a banker’s Trojan for stealing money out of several Brits’ accounts, the number remaining unknown. Their alleged ring affected millions of computer users around the world…

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