The hacking group Anonymous apparently hoped to stop the BART Transit System in its tracks. According to a statement and Twitter messages, the group claimed responsibility for the Sunday online attack of the San Francisco transit system. The system apparently went down from noon to six pm yesterday. Members of…
NCS 9/15/11 – Sep 15,2011
They are thousands of miles away but they are wreaking havoc on computer users around the world. Cyber experts say an international cybercrime gang is currently on the loose, orchestrating attacks on major U.S. corporations and government organizations to the tune of $3.2 million in the first six months of…
NCS 11/15/11 – Nov 15,2011
House lawmakers on Tuesday are slated to mull updating a 1986 anti-hacking law that even ideological opponents agree criminalizes innocent Web surfing. However, when a Senate panel discussed the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act in September, Justice Department officials argued that changing the penalties could let legitimate bad guys off…
NCS 12/15/11 – Dec 15,2011
There’s been an email circling the Internet. It’s about the creator of, Brian Martin. The email claims to expose him as a fraud, even though that’s what Martin claims to do of others in the cyber security industry. In 2011 Hi-Tech Crime Solutions gained over 100,000 new customers between…