Chinese Hackers Used Dropbox To Monitor Hong Kong Activists, Journalists: FireEye

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Chinese hackers used malicious software to monitor journalists and activist groups involved in the Hong Kong protests this year, according to new research from the cybersecurity company FireEye. Attackers used Dropbox and other cloud storage providers to communicate malware after targeting users…

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The Cyber Activists Who Want to Shut Down ISIS

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans In August 2014, a Twitter account affiliated with Anonymous, the hacker-crusader collective, declared “full-scale cyber war” against ISIS: “Welcome to Operation Ice #ISIS, where #Anonymous will do it’s [sic] part in combating #ISIS’s influence in social media and shut them down.”…

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City of Phoenix under attack by hacker activists

PHOENIX (KSAZ) – Hackers have attacked the City of Phoenix internet system and over the weekend caused a disruption to the police department’s computers. The city says the hackers are persistent and not giving up. It’s the first time that […] For more information go to, http://www.,…

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Urgent Message Kidnapping of Anonymous Activists by Govern Mesazh Urgjent – Rrëmbimi i aktivistëve Anonim nga Qeveria! Ajo ka ardhur në dritë se disa raste të rrëmbimit të individëve Anonim janë shkaktuar nga zyrtarët e panjohur federale. Kohët e fundit, pronari i këtij kanali, TheAnonMessage, u rrëmbye nga individë që si ai kujton, nuk kanë asnjë…

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