K-12 schools should rethink math instruction to better match the skills most students will need for their careers and lives, writes Mike Schmoker. View full post on Education Week: Bullying #pso #htcs #b4inc Read More The post Math and K-12 Schools: Addressing the Historic Mismatch – Education Week appeared first…
Suit: NYC Education Dept. not addressing school violence – Education Week
View full post on Education Week: Bullying #pso #htcs #b4inc Read More The post Suit: NYC Education Dept. not addressing school violence – Education Week appeared first on Parent Security Online. View full post on Parent Security Online
Addressing the Top Five Cloud Security Challenges
54% of IT workers believe their organization will suffer a security breach in the next year due to cloud provider security risks (Ponemon September 2011). Us… ________________________ https://gregorydevans.com – http://gregorydevans.wordpress.com – http://hackerforhire.com – http://hackerforhireusa.com
ASIS 2012: Global security depends on addressing root causes of strife
Mark Rockwell Top Priority Sector: cbrne_detection Image Caption: Mohamed Baradei at ASIS 2012 Addressing complicated global security issues like peace in the Middle East and a non-nuclear Iran depends on addressing the root causes of problems there and not the symptoms of strife, said the former head of the International…
CISPA sponsors support amendments addressing privacy concerns
The sponsors of a controversial cyberthreat information-sharing bill will offer new amendments to address privacy concerns, with changes focused on limiting how government agencies can use information shared by private companies, as the bill comes to a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives this week. View full post on…
Addressing cops’ confusion over ‘the public duty doctrine’
Author: Sgt. Steve “Pappy” Papenfuhs Co-authored with Eric P. Daigle The so-called public duty doctrine provides that “absent a special relationship between the governmental entity and the injured individual, the governmental entity will not be liable for injury to an individual… the governmental entity owes a duty to the public…