Be afraid, very afraid : New cybersecurity report

If you’re not scared, you probably should be. According to the newly released Internet Security Report from global internet security firm Symantec (best known by consumers for Norton Antivirus) in 2015, internet security threats worsened according to nearly every available metric as cybercriminals continued an organisational shift towards establishing professional…

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Daytona State professor’s advice on cybercrime: Be afraid

Philip Craiger wants to put a bug in everyone’s ear: Be afraid of cyberattacks. Be very afraid. In the wake of a hacking scandal that exposed personal photographs of celebrities and a Home Depot security breach that compromised the company’s […] For more information go to, http://www.,…

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Be afraid, I am your Anti-Virus

Wherever you can earn money legally, there is a high opportunity of having loopholes which allow illegal operations taking place and generating and even higher amount of income – not taking the risks into account. Of course, I am talking about cybercrimes. While some weeks ago, I was working on…

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