Four years ago yesterday, Apple co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs finally succumbed to pancreatic cancer. And while Tim Cook has done a terrific job keeping the ball rolling, Jobs’ legacy still looms large at Cupertino. But when you die a legend, it leaves a big target for those who still…
Sony Postpones Earnings Announcement, Blaming Hacking Attacks
Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans HONG KONG — Sony said Friday that it would delay the report of its earnings for the quarter ended Dec. 31 as a result of the hacking attacks on its American film studio, Sony Pictures Entertainment. As those attacks led to…
iPhone 5 announcement date revealed, physical iPhone 5 model, and more!
This Week on TiP (Sep 25-Oct 1): Apple finally sent out invitations for its iPhone media event, the guys at a website called Giga used the leaked iPhone 5 sp… ________________________ – – –
Anonymous OpNSA Public Service Announcement: Tor Exploit
Join the Army Twitter: IRC: ________________________ – – –
Modern Warfare 3 | Flawless TDM | Huge Channel Announcement!
Become a member of Yeousch here: Follow me on Twitter:!/Siggyv Thank you everyone for your support! ___________________________ Read More…. View full post on Select From Our Menu
Date Rape Public Service Announcement PSA Video
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New 2013 announcement
Greetings citizens of the world, we are Anonymous. Happy new year to everyone, the year is now 2013. We have learned many lessons over the past year, it’s time we take the knowledge we’ve learned so far and apply it into making 2013 a year of peace and love all…
DC20 CTF Announcement!
The 20th anniversary of DEF CON is almost on us! To help make this year even more memorable I have been working with DDTEK and other CTF organizers to continue to grow the contest on a number of levels. Thinking of competing in the pre-qualifiers? Planning to seriously compete this…
obama to censor more info after announcement of anonymous OpEsr View full post on National Cyber Security