Anti-malware code’s spambot flaw

19 January 2012 Last updated at 06:47 ET One affected business said its email address had been blacklisted as a result of being hijacked A leading anti-virus software firm says a flaw in one of its programs has exposed its customers’ computers to the risk of being hijacked by spammers….

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Sourcefires Immunet Anti-Malware Solution Surpasses 2 Million Endpoints

<![CDATA[ <!– .bwalignc {text-align: center} –> ]]> Sourcefire, Inc. (Nasdaq: FIRE), a leader in intelligent cybersecurity solutions, today announced that Immunet®, the company’s advanced anti-malware solution, has surpassed 2 million installed endpoints. Immunet achieved this milestone due to its “big data” approach to endpoint security, which allows it to provide…

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Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free Edition

Melengkapi Kekurangan Antivirus Makin beragamnya ancaman saat berinternet, menuntut kita agar lebih waspada dan hati-hati. Meski telah terpasang antivirus, kadang ancaman yang memanfaatkan koneksi internet tetap datang dari segala penjuru. Virus bukan satu-satunya ancaman, lho. Spyware, malware, worm, trojan, rootkit, rogue, dialer, dan sejenisnya bisa menghambat kinerja PC, bahkan bisa…

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Freebie Android anti-malware scanners flunk tests

Many free-of-charge antivirus products fail to protect Android smartphone against malware effectively, leaving users with a false sense of security as a result. Tests by antivirus testing lab revealed that the best freebie Android anti-virus scanner, Zoner Antivirus, caught 32 per cent of 160 recent Android threats. The other…

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