Criminals aren’t the only ones breaking in

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans At least that’s what lockpicker and network engineer Jeff Rosowski says. Rosowski learned to lockpick to prepare for Mystery Challenge, a contest of puzzles, ciphers, tricks and codes at the annual DefCon hacker conference. Since, he has maintained his skills at…

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Meet the Notes that aren’t made by Samsung

Introduced by Samsung in September 2011, the original Galaxy Note was seen by some as a useless tablet-meets-phone device. With its 5.3-inch display, the first Galaxy Note was a giant device compared to the flagship handsets of 2011, most of which offered screens of around 4 inches. And yet the…

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Cyber warfare: Capitol staffers aren’t ready

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Congressional staffers are the gateway to all lawmaking on the Hill, but they also may be unwittingly opening the door to hackers. The Hill’s networks are under constant attack. In 2013 alone, the Senate Sergeant at Arms’ office said it investigated…

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Hackers Can Steal Data Wirelessly From PCs That Aren’t Even Online

When governments, utilities and corporations need to protect their most sensitive data, they create what’s called an air-gap network. It involves storing information on computers that are never connected to the Internet, an extreme method of isolation designed to prevent […] For more information go to, http://www.,…

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Mike Brown Shooter: Anonymous Hackers Threaten Ferguson, Missouri, Police If Demands Aren’t Met

The Anonymous hackers have made good on their threats to disrupt the Ferguson, Missouri, police department, shutting down its website and phone lines for a time and threatening to name the officer who killed Mike Brown if the officials don’t […] For more information go to, http://www.,…

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