David Lang is working on a book project for O’Reilly called “Zero to Maker:A Re-Skilling Guide for New Makers”. Like some authors these days, David is using Kickstarter to get the project off the ground. I was recently introduced to … View full post on O’Reilly News and Commentary For…
On the State of Cyber War – from the Authors of Hacking Exposed Malware & Rootkits
Hacking Exposed Malware & Rootkits authors Michael A. Davis and Aaron LeMasters on the state of cyber war around the world and the risk of cyber attacks with new weapons in malware, rootkits, viruses, and hackers threats. View full post on The Cyber Wars
Researchers Develop Technique to Identify Anonymous E-Mail Authors
IP addresses may help identify the source of anonymous and malicious e-mails, but they can only tell authorities where the message originated, without providing many details on the individual who authored them. Using some pretty innovative analytics, researchers at Concordia University have just come up with a new technique that…
Malware Authors Get Boost from Apple’s Sluggish Updates, Infect 600K Macs
Print 5 comment(s) – last by ShaolinSoccer.. on Apr 6 at 10:22 AM (Source: Science Photo) Apple refuses to let Oracle patch Java directly, cybercriminals celebrate 2 months of easy hunting If you have a Mac and you browse the internet, there’s a chance your “secure” Apple, Inc. (AAPL) computer…
Malware authors adopt domain generation algorithms to evade detection
Malware authors are increasingly adopting flexible domain generation algorithms (DGAs) in order to evade detection and prevent their botnets from being shut down by security researchers or law enforcement agencies. DGAs are generally used as a fallback mechanism for sending instructions to infected computers when the hard-coded command and control…
Malware authors expand use of domain generation algorithms
IDG News Service – Malware authors are increasingly adopting flexible domain generation algorithms (DGAs) in order to evade detection and prevent their botnets from being shut down by security researchers or law enforcement agencies. DGAs are generally used as a fallback mechanism for sending instructions to infected computers when the…
Malware Authors Expand Use of Domain Generation Algorithms to Evade Detection
Malware authors are increasingly adopting flexible domain generation algorithms (DGAs) in order to evade detection and prevent their botnets from being shut down by security researchers or law enforcement agencies. DGAs are generally used as a fallback mechanism for sending instructions to infected computers when the hard-coded command and control…
Malware authors target Android Market
Malware authors continue to target Google’s Android market with malicious apps disguised as legitimate software. The latest incident? A developer known as “Logastrod” coded trojanized copies of popular games and uploaded them to the Market over the weekend. “The attacker created at least a dozen copies of the most popular…
Duqu not created by authors of Stuxnet worm, says security company
The design similarities between the recently-publicised Duqu malware and the infamous Stuxnet worm that caused widespread alarm more than a year ago have been hugely exaggerated, an analysis by Dell SecureWorks has concluded. The essence of the company’s strip-down analysis is that despite some common features, Duqu and Stuxnet have…
New cyber weapon detected in Europe – from the ‘authors’ of Stuxnet worm that attacked Iran’s nuclear plant
The Stuxnet worm marked a sinister new stage in the evolution of cyber-weapons – it was designed to cause physical damage to industrial systems, specifically Iran’s Busehr nuclear plant. View full post on cyber wars – Yahoo! News Search Results View full post on National Cyber Security Gergory Evans