Bad, Bad Barrett Brown

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans  Powered by Max Banner Ads Among both American and British law-enforcement communities, the temptation runs strong to treat hackers and hacktivists in simplistic terms. The public was offered a rare glimpse of this reductive tendency by a published cache of leaked NSA…

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Debunking supposed ‘threats’> Why Barrett Brown…

Debunking supposed ‘threats’> Why Barrett Brown never threatened violence against anyone By Free Barrett BrownBarrett Brown’s detractors frequently claim that he threatened violence against an FBI agent and/or his family, and some cite this as a main reason why they cannot support him. They repeat this mantra uncritically, despite the…

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Free Barrett Brown on The Day We Fight Back

Free Barrett Brown on The Day We Fight Back: freebarrettbrown: Barrett Brown was a noted researcher of mass surveillance techniques. He helped bring to light and spread the word about numerous capabilities which are provided by intelligence contractors under contract to the government, such as persona management, TrapWire, Romas/COIN and…

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Free Barrett Brown |

Free Barrett Brown | Why is the talented journalist Barrett Brown in jail – awaiting trial on charges that could keep him there for one hundred years? Brown was homing in on a dark alliance of government and corporate entities tasked with carrying out activities that were, at best,…

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