Mac malware, while not nearly as widespread as the Windows variety, does occasionally appear. Earlier this year we had Mac Defender. Now security research firm F-Secure has announced the discovery of another up-and-coming Trojan horse. When downloaded, the Trojan-Dropper:OSX/Revir.A puts what appears to be a multi-page Chinese PDF – containing…
Mac users beware: Malware masquerades as Flash installer
On Monday, security company Intego warned Mac users of a new Trojan horse that masquerades as a Flash Player installation package for OS X Lion. Intego reported that the Flashback malware is available on some sites that offer a link or icon to install Flash Player. Lion users may be vulnerable…
Beware of The Traffic Ticket Trojan [WARNING] (Mashable)
Mashable – Got a suspicious looking email that claims you need to pay a speeding ticket in New York? Whatever you do, don’t open it — and definitely don’t open the attachment it says you need to print out in order to pay. The email, uncovered by security firm Sophos,…