Jesse Black unzipped a corner of his orange tent, unleashing the smell of fried fish. For Black, his mother, wife and two kids, Thanksgiving dinner was takeout from Shark ‘s restaurant. Their table was an air mattress, as Black kept his place as first in line outside Best Buy in…
Android security threats surge with infected ‘Angry Birds’
<!–Saxotech Paragraph Count: 1–> In the era of the personal computer, Apple Inc.’s machines were often less vulnerable to security threats than the alternatives. That may also be the case with the rise of smartphones. Google Inc.’s Android operating system for mobile devices has had an almost sixfold increase in…
Firefox 8 download available for early birds
Firefox enthusiasts have started downloading version 8 of the browser (warning: available downloads are for the non-final version) ahead of its official launch on 8 November. For most users, the fatiguing rapid-release schedule is making new features harder and harder to spot. Mozilla’s development team signposts changes ahead of time…