Google Search changes rile privacy advocates

Changes in what is displayed in search results, announced this week by Google, has one prominent privacy advocate ready to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), based in Washington DC, says his group is mulling filing…

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IS&T changes to Microsoft’s virus protection program

IST changes to Microsoft’s virus protection program New software provides spyware and virus defense September 29, 2011 BY Deon Broyles Cleveland State University is changing its virus protection software from McAfee to Microsoft Forefront. The change will affect all Windows-based university computers located throughout the campus. The new software provides…

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Attacks prompt security changes

Improved communication among first responders and a higher level of awareness among citizens has better prepared the nation for attacks like 9/11, but terrorism experts aren’t sure whether that translates into making the country safer.”Right now, her … View full post on cellphone security – Yahoo! News Search Results View…

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