Google working to protect Chrome from quantum hacking

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Google is working on post-quantum encryption for its Chrome internet browser, it announced today in a blog post by software engineer Matt Braithwaite. Quantum computers use advanced aspects of quantum physics to solve problems many times faster than today’s binary computers….

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31 Security bugs fixed in Google Chrome 34

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Google has announced the stable release of Chrome 34, an update brining number of fixes, functionality improvements and security updates. In total, 31 security vulnerabilities have been patched in this latest version 34.0.1847.116 which includes medium to high severity bugs. The…

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Chrome 35 Deaf To The Old Speech API Bug

In its latest update to the web browser, 23 vulnerabilities have been patched by Google and among these, 3 are the ones that are highly risky. Details on the patched bugs pushed overnight in the release of 35 of Chrome for Windows, Linux, and Mac are yet to release by…

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LinkedIn email addresses exposed by Chrome plug-in

 LinkedIn is a social networking site for professionals to connect and communicate. The site has been very popular among professionals as it was relatively secure and reliable.  However, a Google chrome website browser’s ad-on tool known as Sell Hack can expose the email address linked with the profiles of LinkedIn Users….

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