Amid Ferguson protests, hacker collective Anonymous wages cyberwar

St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar became the target. In the dark hours leading into Tuesday morning, someone posted a photo of Belmar’s house on Twitter. Then his home address and telephone number. By afternoon, eerie photos started to circulate on […] For more information go to, http://www.,…

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Collective Emergency Decision

TheAnonMessage will always be in our hearts. He knows we’re doing the right thing. He’s smiling right now from above. Twitter: @TheAnonMessage. ________________________ – – –

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Anonymous message to the Anonymous Collective 2013

Transcript —————————————— Greetings Anonymous, we are, anonymous. It is two thousand and thirteen, a new day is upon us and we feel that now is the time to raise an issue for discussion that affects us all. Unity, solidarity, and the cohesiveness of the hive. Our legitimacy and direction is…

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