The dog who inspired the curriculum lost a leg due to mistreatment from other dogs and neglect from his owner and provides a visual example of the ways bullying can do real harm. View full post on Education Week: Bullying #pso #htcs #b4inc Read More The post 4-H Anti-Bullying Curriculum…
How Empathy, Kindness and Compassion Can Build Belongingness and Reduce Bullying
I have known Dr. Patti Agatston for almost ten years now, and our work meets at the intersection of teens and technology. Justin and I hold her and her colleagues in the highest respect because like us, they make sure that the information they share is based on solid research…
If you want to be happy, practice compassion. #OpUnaManoAmiga
If you want to be happy, practice compassion. #OpUnaManoAmiga View full post on Your Anon News Read More…. View full post on The Cyber Wars