McAfee Total Protection (ToPS) for Compliance v7.X

McAfee Total Protection for Compliance uses agent-based and agentless technology to audit, assess and report across managed and unmanaged systems, reducing the time and effort required for impact assessment of new threats and patching and compliance audits of IT systems. View full post on Latest articles from SC Magazine News…

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Compliance Auditing with Microsoft Powershell

Compliance Auditing with PowerShell Microsoft’s PowerShell framework has been part of their product line for quite some time. In recent years, it has played a major role in new operating system versions (such as Window 7 and Windows Server 2008) thanks to its inclusion in common engineering criteria. All future…

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Compliance Auditing with Microsoft Powershell

Compliance Auditing with PowerShell Microsoft’s PowerShell framework has been part of their product line for quite some time. In recent years, it has played a major role in new operating system versions (such as Window 7 and Windows Server 2008) thanks to its inclusion in common engineering criteria. All future…

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