STAY AWAY! Compulsive liar, cheater, convicted felon and sociopath! He comes off as caring, extremely charming and engaging. As time passes, his stories never add up and he leaves huge gaps in his history. He will lie to cover other lies. I thought we were in a committed relationship, only…
Heidi szenkum vernon coventry CT loser
Heidi is a compulsive liar who is a complete slut. She is on every lesbian dating site and lies about it and cheats. SHE WILL — USE YOU. SHE WILL LIE even if you are straight. dont be fooled ladies. View full post on Read More…. View full post…
heidi szenkum, coventry connecticut, hartford, new england USA
SHe is a cheater and a con artist free loading lesbian. She likes to prey on straight girls and then get all she can. Very sneaky and cheating. View full post on Report Your Ex Read More…. View full post on Select From Our Menu