Meet CyberBerkut, The Pro-Russian Hackers Waging Anonymous-Style Cyberwarfare Against Ukraine

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Ukraine is under cyberattack. A small, roving group of hackers called CyberBerkut is trying to humiliate the pro-Western government in Kiev by leaking details on everything from government officials’ personal lives to international arms deals. But, even scarier, CyberBerkut is using…

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Stuxnet and the New Era of Cyber-Warfare

Stuxnet and the New Era of Cyber-Warfare Not so long ago, talk about cyber-warfare fell somewhere between hype and science fiction. Killer robots have been wreaking havoc on the big screen for generations, but in the real world it all seemed a bit abstract. Then along came Stuxnet, showing that…

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