The Trustworthy Internet Movement, a non-profit initiative formed in February to help address ongoing security issues on the internet, has unveiled its first project – an online dashboard called SSL Pulse that monitors the quality of SSL support across websites. View full post on security View full post on…
Tufin revamps Security Suite with dashboard overview
Tufin Technologies has announced a major refresh of its Security Suite, adding a new dashboard interface that gives security admins a single overview of the state of an organisation’s security, risk and compliance. Until now, admins would have needed to generate reports from each of the security configuration and management…
The future of social media at the National Archives – The National Archives described a dashboard for “citizen archivists” at a recent forum in D.C.
A recent forum at the National Archives featured a preview of a “citizen archivist dashboard” and a lively discussion of the past, present and future of social media. View full post on O’Reilly News and Commentary View full post on National Cyber Security Gergory Evans Gregory Evans | LinkedIn Interview…