Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Those tiny new chips embedded in your credit cards promise to make it tougher for thieves to steal your data. But before the technology — known as EMV — is fully adopted and probably for a long time after the transition…
Experimental malware uses inaudible sound to defeat network air gaps
In a development likely to concern those who believe that a system that’s not connected to a network is safe from surveillance, researchers have demonstrated that microphones and speakers built into laptops can be used to covertly transmit and receive data through inaudible audio signals Michael Hanspach and Michael…
Romney Gingrich Obama vs Ron Paul 2: Proof High Defense Spending in economic race = defeat
Anyone who looks at the numbers and has played risk knows we need to drastically cut spending on overseas military, NSA, CIA, DHS and prisons – to compete. 11 countries including Mexico are forecast to exceed US economically based on […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry… View full…
Kaspersky Labs Cooperated With Microsoft To Defeat Stuxnet Worm
I’ve been a happy user of Kaspersky security software for a long time. Besides, I am very concerned about internet scams, identity theft, malware, phishing and spyware. I constantly write about it on my blog Computer Secrets Busted. This is the latest news from Kaspersky Lab. Kaspersky Lab, a leading…